Dr Jimmy DeYoung has resided in Jerusalem for at least a portion of the year each year for the last 23 years where he held full credentials as a journalist in the second most populated journalistic city in the world. Arriving there just 3 days prior to the Gulf Crisis in 1991, he weathered 39 Scud attacks. Jimmy gave reports nationwide on several networks during the Gulf Crisis. He has his finger on the pulse of what is considered the media “hot spot” of our time, the Middle East. On his travels throughout the US and around the world, Jimmy brings with him the latest news from out of the Middle East with a unique blend of political, biblical, and prophetic insight that can not be found in the media today.
After graduating from Tennessee Temple University in Chattanooga, TN, Jimmy joined with Jack Wyrtzen and Harry Bollback at Word of Life Fellowship in Schroon Lake, NY. There he spent the next twelve years in many staff positions including staff evangelist, host of Word of Life Inn, and producer of radio programs heard worldwide.
For the next 5 years Jimmy was the Vice-President and General Manager of New York City’s first Christian radio station, WNYM. During his time at the station, Jimmy was the producer and host of a daily talk program in the #1 media market in America.
Upon first arriving in Israel, moved by the plight of the Israeli people and by the spirit of God, Dr. DeYoung founded the Assembly at Jerusalem, a Bible preaching church that meets in the Jerusalem. Today, Jimmy travels the world proclaiming the good news of Christ’s gift of eternal life and soon coming return for His Church, using the means of media, radio, television, books, and the internet, as well as by preaching in Churches and assemblies around the world.
Jimmy has met and interviewed many international leaders including: Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, former Prime Minister’s Ariel Sharon and Ehhud Olmert, Israeli President Shimon Peres Shimon Peres, former Jerusalem Mayor’s Teddy Kolleck and Ehud Olmert, former Defense Minister Moshe Arens, Jordan’s Foreign Minister Marwan Muasher, and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.
Jimmy is seen on the Day of Discovery television program, which is produced in the Middle East. He is also heard daily and weekly on radio and internet, with the latest reports from the Middle East on several networks consisting of over 1500 stations. He is also seen on the John Ankerberg Television program.
Jimmy is a noted conference speaker in the United States, Europe, and South America, and he devotes several months out of each year to this conference schedule. He has authored the best selling book, “Sound The Trumpets”, produced a number of audio and video materials, including his best seller, “Ready To Rebuild”, a documentary on the building of the Third Temple. Jimmy continues to monitor the most current events as they unfold in the Middle East and compares these current events to the prophetic truth of God’s Word.
Jimmy had the privilege of receiving his Doctorate from Tennessee Temple University in May of 1996. He also received his PhD from Louisiana Baptist University in May of 2000.
About Dr. and Mrs. Jimmy DeYoung